Love Is Not Meant To Be Painful

Spiritual awakening leads us to the fact that love is never meant to be painful as we see it today. Once one realizes that love really is a choice, the idea of love changes forever.

Energy Pressure Around The Head

Most of those who experience spiritual awakening complain that they suffer an energetic pressure around the crown, and 3rd eye chakras. Find out the reasons behind this kind of pressure, and how to release it.

It Is Time To Make A Shift

It is true that more people are experiencing spiritual awakening, the earth is shifting into a new age of peace, and love. Where do you stand as the shift happens? Become part of the shift.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Quick Apology Note

Am really sorry for not writing on this blog for so long, in fact I was going through deep profound changes and during this transition, every time I sit to write a post, all that I have in mind just flies away!
Only now I know why I was unable to write a single post, its because all the posts I was going to publish were going to provide you with more spiritual practices, more meditations and exercises, which was not required at all! This transition have taught me that all the spiritual practices, and all the information available online and offline are just too much.. So many healing schools, million kind of meditation, breathing techniques, yoga, Qigong and Tai Chi.. More information are just causing more spiritual struggle. The question that rises now is what are we supposed to do? well, during the coming weeks I will post every bit of knowledge I received during this long transition hoping that these posts will clearly show that to "STOP" is the most important spiritual practice to be followed right now. I call it the stop mantra, so may stop be your mantra :)
I am really grateful to all the emails I received and am sorry for not responding, I just did not know what to say really, I was unable to tell why I wasn't writing anymore. THANK YOU! :)

Love & Light..

Saturday, September 28, 2013

About The Intensity Of Spiritual Transformations

 I was asked how long the intensity of these times of transformation will last and how can we move into the New if we don't know what it is. Here is what I shared and am guided to share with you:
The intensity probably means that there are still some old issues or patterns that need to be let go of. Being in the New really means to do things in a completely new way with a new perception, which can only happen when we let go of the old perceptions and ways of doing something. You can create more of the New by asking yourself how you want to feel.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Why We Shout In Anger!

 Anger is hard to understand, we get angry, then feel guilty later on! We wish if we can understand so that we can control it... I came across this story and i thought its a good idea to share it with my readers, understanding anger is key to anger management.
A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled and asked.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Encounters With Angels & Energy Beings

Since my awakening i had several encounters with angels, and energy beings. I never thought that i can peacefully go through such encounters without a bit of fear! Feeling happy, and at peace really took me by surprise because i always thought that it is scary to see something that is out of the physical world. In this post i am going to list some of the most profound encounters that i really enjoyed, i will also try to describe how it felt like, which is a very hard task because those feelings are hard to describe in physical terms.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Love Your Enemies!

Today i give you a phrase from the teachings of Jesus, one of the most profound and awakening teachings in the history of man kind...Love your enemies! Love is a very deep word for it holds a lot of sensual emotions, and it is the nature of source. How can one love an enemy? It is so hard to do isn't it? We sometimes claim to have a very strong faith until we face a phrase like this... Love your enemies! Only those of us who awakened to the light will understand how profound, and awakening this phrase is! Let me explain why it is very important to hold nothing but love for those you hate the most, and how this can be done, easily...

Qoute Of The Day

In life we only get what we believe; if a lot of negative events are manifesting into our lives, it is time to question what we believe, and change it... To change what we get.

About This Blog

This blog is aimed to deliver spiritual knowledge away of any restrictions, rules or must do`s. Since everyone is different, the knowledge presented here are just eye opening, and can be adjusted according to one`s needs.


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