Love Is Not Meant To Be Painful

Spiritual awakening leads us to the fact that love is never meant to be painful as we see it today. Once one realizes that love really is a choice, the idea of love changes forever.

Energy Pressure Around The Head

Most of those who experience spiritual awakening complain that they suffer an energetic pressure around the crown, and 3rd eye chakras. Find out the reasons behind this kind of pressure, and how to release it.

It Is Time To Make A Shift

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Friday, July 13, 2012

How did a '61-year old' became younger!

I came across some news that was published in the times of India news paper, it is about a man who became younger after a liver transplant. In fact, if we just realize how this universe works, if we just realize that we are all connected, that we are nothing but energy, we will simply understand what happened to this man. The news paper called it a miracle; I think it is very natural. This man was lucky enough to get the liver of a very positive person, his liver was vibrant, and this amazing energy transformed the energy of the old man. YES! you can transform your life without having a liver transplant just by being positive.

Here is the news copied from The Times Of India newspaper:

"AHMEDABAD: Executive registrar of Mudra Institute of Communication and Advertising KGK Pillai, 61, has recently got a three-year extension. This, after he got a fresh lease of life when a 21-year-old youth's liver was implanted in him in 2008.

The liver of the young man, who died in an accident, has miraculously reversed ageing. Pillai's hair have turned from grey to black, his wrinkles are gone and he is no longer dependent on diabetes drugs.

Four years after the transplant in Chennai, 61-year-old Pillai says, "I don't just look young, I feel like reborn as a young man." He is happy his complexion has also improved thanks Dr Anand Khakhar — a transplant surgeon in Chennai who belongs to Rajkot — for the transformation.

"I used to take medicine for diabetes for 12 years. After the transplant, I am off drugs as my sugar levels are mysteriously under control," says Pillai, who takes morning walks every day.

Doctors say that the blackening of hair and renewed energy experienced by Pillai can be attributed to availability of nutrition to the body as liver functions have normalized."

Qoute Of The Day

In life we only get what we believe; if a lot of negative events are manifesting into our lives, it is time to question what we believe, and change it... To change what we get.

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